At Acquirelists we are extremely flexible to give you access to the amount of data that you need (anywhere from the entire database to specific sections, like all e-mail addresses in a specified region or category, for example) over a certain period of time, and for specified uses (like email marketing, direct mailing, tele marketing, fax marketing, market research etc.).
Our rate structures include: quarterly/half yearly/yearly fixed fee or a blend that flexes to accommodate your particular budget/usage scenario.
Typical uses of the licensed database include email marketing, direct mailing, tele marketing, fax marketing, market research and email prospecting. Full, partial and virtual installs are available.
A flexible licensing agreement with the right marketing data services provider can save you a bundle of money, reduce cycle times, improve the depth of your audience segmentation, increase your conversion rates and make you a Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) hero.
And at Acquirelists, you don’t have to pay for data that you’re not going to use. We are extremely flexible, giving you access to the amount of data that you need (anywhere from the entire database to specific sections, like all e-mail addresses in a specified region or category, for example) over a certain period of time. You can even license for specified uses (like modeling, appending, mailing, etc.) for a negotiated rate.
Data licensing also yields time savings; you've got immediate access to the data you require rather than having to locate it, order it and coordinate its delivery with your marketing project. Of course, there will be cost savings and/or improved ROI. When a company moves from a regular list rental format or a data append transactional format to a negotiated data license, it generally sees a "material price drop,When I think about some of the deals we've put in place, clients have realized a 60-percent price drop from their current data environment."
Acquirelists Data Partners license their permission-based email and postal lists to Acquirelists for use in our email append and list rental services. We do all the work, and you can benefit from a lucrative revenue stream at no cost and no risk to you.
Acquirelists Service Partners help our customers to plan and implement e-marketing strategies supported by TargetAppenders services and tools. This includes everything from general creative services, to campaign management, to integration with front- and back-office systems.