Email Lists, Appending Service & List Management

Alternate Contact and Title Appending

We can add contact details of other people from the same company or functional/job area to your inhouse database. if you would like to get the contact details of Associate sales Manager and the Senior sales Manager from XYZ Company, we can append that contacts.

Alternate Contact Appending is a powerful service of adding alternate contacts from the same company to your customer/prospect file. It’s a great way to reach multiple people in the same company.

Title Appending Service:

Your message would make sense only if it is customized for the person it is intended for. Most of the companies do not have job titles in their prospect database. Titles are very critical for effective targeted marketing. Acquirelists can add latest and correct job-titles to your database, so that you can do more effective targeted marketing.

Alternate contact/Title appending service can turn an incomplete contact file into a valuable leads list and increase the value of your database. We can append full contact details, including physical address, Title, phone number, fax number, email address , area code etc.

High append rates ranging from 35 - 75%


3 Germay Dr,
Ste 4, #4014
Wilmington, DE 19804
United States

Call Acquirelists at : 1- 800 - 699 - 8169